Free Microchip Clinics
Free Microchip Clinics: 2024
August 9th: 10am-1pm
August 22nd: 2-6pm
September 13th: 10am-1pm
September 26th: 2-6pm
October 4th: 10am-1pm
October 24th: 2-6pm
November 8th: 10am-1pm
November 21st: 2-6 PM
Humane Society of Carroll County
2517 Littlestown Pike, Westminster
Must Have Appointment: https://hscarroll.org/microchip-registration/
Dogs and Cats Only Cats must be in carriers and be able to be handled (no ferals). Dogs must be comfortable with restraint, and be on a leash. Questions: Email atyler@carrollcountymd.gov