Snow Lily

Snow Lily

Snow Lily, a 3 year old Palomino horse, was brought to us as a neglect case.  She was living in a cramped stall without proper care.  The bones in her hips, spine, & ribs were protruding.  Snow Lily had dental problems stemming from malnutrition.  Upon coming into our care, Snow Lily received visits from the equine vet, who put her on a strict care plan of senior feed and anti-inflammatory medications for a previous leg injury.  She was seen multiple times by the farrier to trim her overgrown hooves and treat her thrush.  Over the course of several months, Snow Lily went from being continuously stalled to gradually increased field and grazing time as she healed and continued to gain weight.  In early May, she was approved by the veterinarian to be adopted, and soon after found her forever home.  Snow Lily now spends her day roaming green fields with a horse companion and lives the life all horses deserve.