Ken Mays, President Board of Directors Back in the 1950’s when the Humane Society of Carroll County, Inc., was founded...
Category: Blog/News
My Critter Camp Experience

by Duncan (As told to Iris Katz) This past July I had the enjoyable experience of serving as an “Instructional...
2018 Success

We are proud to announce our statistics for 2018! Our staff and volunteers have been hard at work to better...
1000th CatSnip Cat

The Humane Society of Carroll County is proud to announce the completion of 1000 cats spayed and neutered through our...
Adoption Partner Success

Over the past year, HSCC has partnered with several local businesses to assist in the search of adoption homes. Both...
Cornell Visits HSCC

The shelter underwent some major changes this past November after an evaluation made possible through Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at...
Big Cat Makes a Huge Splash

On November 29th, 2016 Edgar, pictured below with animal care tech Sabrina, arrived at the shelter and was looking for...
Operation CatSnip Update

Operation CatSnip has trapped, spayed/neutered, and released 780 cats since it’s inception in March 2015. CatSnip is completing their 4th...
Tails at Twilight 2016

HSCC held the second annual Tails at Twilight at Martin’s Westminster on December 10th. The night was a tremendous success...
Oprah gets her Prosthetic & a New Home

Oprah came into our shelter severely emaciated and suffering from an old injury that amputated part of her leg. Dr....
First Annual Barn Sale

On Saturday September 10th the Humane Society held its first annual Barn Sale. The community donated items various items such...
Paws on the Patio

On August 6th Glory Days Eldersburg hosted HSCC for Paws on the Patio. The day was a huge success with...
Meet Charlie

Charlie has been volunteering with the Humane Society since March of 2015 as a dog walker. Every wednesday he walks...

On June 11th HSCC held their first annual Woofstock Event. A great time was had by all at this...
Tails at Twilight

"Our first annual Tails at Twilight was a huge success raising over $27,000 for our animals!”
CatSnip Success

"Adopt one cat save one life, Spay/Neuter one cat save thousands of Lives."
Preparing for the Arrival of a New Pet

To assure this new family member’s safe and easy transition into your home and life, thorough preparation is the key to success.
County Dog Licensing Rules

Do you have a dog? You may be breaking the law and not even know it.
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